Climate Action 101: Environmental-focused conversations and resources
Team Ethos getting more in touch with nature at MacRitchie Reservoir during our retreat earlier this year.
This Climate Action Week, learn and take inspiration from the artists, activists, educators and volunteer organisations on the ground doing important work every day to fight for a more green, sustainable and climate-conscious Singapore.
If you're just getting started on your journey to become more environmentally-conscious, it can be intimidating. There is a wealth of information out there and sometimes the statistics and science get overwhelming, but everyone starts somewhere. To start learning more about the different sectors of climate work—from science and food innovation to arts and humanities—and figure out how you can get involved, hear from the people in the scene themselves!
In recent years, Ethos Books has organised multiple panels, conversations and book launches pertaining to environmental matters, and we’ve consolidated those panels here. Check them out:
Having a closer relationship with nature is the first step in caring for the environment and conserving instead of destroying!
If you’re interested in ecofeminism or the intersections between gender, identity and the environment, as well as becoming more in tune with nature:
Making Kin with the Urban Jungle (2021)
On learning to respect, co-exist and build meaningful relationships with our natural landscapes:
Treasures from our Forests, Singapore Heritage Festival 2022
As Singaporeans, we know all about food, but have you ever wondered about the relationship between climate change and food supply, and how this shapes cultures? What about the history of our relationship with land and nature?
To learn more about our history of local food production, and how innovation, agri-tech and re-learning farming can help us move towards being more self-sufficient with food: We Are How We Eat, Singapore Heritage Festival 2021
Read up on Singapore's history of botanical research, land reclamation and a touch on family farms in this Decolonising our Natural Heritage panel, Singapore Heritage Festival 2022
And finally, diving into climate action and how art, literature, science and activism all contribute to collective action:
Climate action and justice: Eating Chilli Crab Book Launch (2020)
Not Just Fiction: Writing the Climate Crisis (2020)
There are also many individuals and collectives who put in the tireless work to educate Singaporeans about biodiversity matters, the climate crisis and how to take action. Follow and support their work here:
@theweirdandwild Artist and environmentalist creating bite-sized, educational content about climate issues Sharing Orang Laut history and culture through food
@sgclimaterally Educational posts about climate issues, activism, and how to get involved (visit their website to read longform articles)
@lepakinsg Raising awareness of environmental issues and events (visit their website for event calendars)
@earthtodorcas Artist doing green storytelling, informational posts on climate and environment, and nature art classes/workshops
@eyes.uncloudedd Educational content as a volunteer farmer, biodiversity educator and nature guide. (Xiaoyun also authored the title essay in Eating Chilli Crab in the Anthropocene)
@syclimateaction Informational content on climate issues and how to get involved Content on political education and advocacy touching on important current affairs including climate issues
@backtogroundzero Conducts eco-literacy programmes for children
@greennudgesg / Supports businesses and communities in their work to achieve positive environmental impact
@s4f.fossilfree / Students 4 Fossil Free Future Educational content and advocacy calling for an end to the fossil fuel industry's influence on educational institutions
(This list is by no means exhaustive, and along your journey you will find many other wonderful organisations and individuals not mentioned here!)