Crossing Distance


A child’s afternoon of play, a teenager’s notion of pain, one’s understanding of freedom, another’s glimpse of mortality, a young woman’s encounter with her cultural roots, and the individual worlds of the young and old.

They reveal the distances between people and within people. Sometimes all that people do, or try to do, is cross distance.

Crossing Distance won a Merit Award in the Singapore Literature Prize (SLP) in 1994 and a Commendation Award in the National Book Development Council of Singapore Book Awards in 1996. It was first published in 1995.

Crossing Distance (2nd edition) is published under The Ethos Evergreens Series. A series that aims to keep good Singaporean literature in the public eye.

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Crossing Distance

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"‘Crossing Distance’, then, is a most apposite denouement to the thematic development of Tan Mei Ching’s prose; an account of the aftermath of survival and escape, the final ritual of which is a return to one’s origins to ‘settle matters’ and then to let go, just as Tan does symbolically by exploring and confronting her cultural roots through her prose." -Alvin Pang, author of City of Rain and Testing The Silence


Mei Ching Tan