Making Kin: Ecofeminist Essays from Singapore

 Making Kin: Ecofeminist Essays from Singapore contemplates and re-centres Singapore women in the overlapping discourses of family, home, ecology and nation. For the first time, this collection of ecofeminist essays focuses on the crafts, minds, bodies and subjectivities of a diverse group of women making kin with the human and non-human world as they navigate their lives.

From ruminations on caregiving, to surreal interspecies encounters, to indigenous ways of knowing, these women writers chart a new path on the map of Singapore’s literary scene, writing urgently about gender, nature, climate change, reciprocity and other critical environmental issues.

In a climate-changed world where vital connections are lost, Making Kin is an essential collection that blurs boundaries between the personal and the political. It is a revolutionary approach towards intersectional environmentalism.

Read a preview here

And check out our book club starter pack, which includes excerpts, discussion questions and additional resources for Making Kin. 

Making Kin: Ecofeminist Essays from Singapore

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$25.00 SGD



$25.00 SGD


“These personal essays create a diverse kinship network of voices rooted in women’s experiences and routed through Singapore. This deeply resonant anthology is an invaluable contribution to ecofeminist literatures and the global environmental humanities.” —Craig Santos Perez, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

“Step into the intimacies, earth-cherishing, and forms of kinship in this book. The voices of these Singaporean women pose questions and reveal landscapes that resonate and invoke deep reflection. Commendably, creating kin here means spotlighting the vital perspectives of disabled people, transpeople, and indigenous genders, with attunement to age, class, race, and glorious varieties of bodyminds. These women’s lives, choices, and challenges shape how they experience Singapore and life, with ‘nature’ as never having been separate from communities. Their experiences form a resistance to dominant, steamrolling narratives of ‘development’. As contributor nor says, ‘The semangat of the tanahair and Bumi will always find its way to you.’” —Dr. Khairani Barokka (Okka), University of the Arts London, author of Ultimatum Orangutan

“These intimate, lovingly crafted, eloquent essays demonstrate the centrality of women in Nature, Nurture and Literature and the crucial role women have in reimagining, reconnecting, restoring and thereby strengthening these myriad complex links.” —Geh Min, Immediate Past President, Nature Society Singapore and former Nominated Member of Parliament


Esther Vincent Xueming, Angelia Poon


Andrea Yew, Angelia Poon, Ann Ang, ArunDitha, Choo Kah Ying, Constance Singam, Dawn-joy Leong, Diana Rahim, Esther Vincent, Grace Chia, Kanwaljit Soin, Matilda Gabrielpillai, nor, Nurul Fadiah Johari, Prasanthi Ram, Serina Rahman, Tania De Rozario, Tim Min Jie